Wednesday, January 16, 2008

World of Warcraft Enchanting

As with many of the primary service professions in World of Warcraft, enchanting is one of those money making and saving chances that can truly help you out in the long run if you have the time to devote. As a primary service profession, it counts towards your limit of two, but with the right class and race, it can be ideal for your game success.

What Enchanting Entails

What enchanting does is allow you to enchant weapons and armor to enhance them for permanent gains. You do not create new items, but takes existing items and adds new properties to them. You can also take apart existing enchanted items to gain the reagents in them for crafting new enchanted items. Not only do you take things apart and create new ones, but you can create temporarily effective oils and enchantments for addition to a weapon during a battle. These temporary changes can be added to already enchanted weapons and armor for further effect as well.

Though you can create great new weapons with enchantment, disenchanting will actually destroy many more items than any other professions in the game. Many of the bi-products you receive from deconstructing items cannot be resold and are thus pure waste. You can sell them to other players or sell your services though, one of the prime ways of making gold through enchanting.

Enchantment Tips

At the beginning, building up your enchanting skill is best done through gray items and simple enchantments. Sell the items back to vendors for a small profit and build your skill level up. Once you’ve been enchanting for a while, start using instances and higher level arenas to farm reagents and items for disenchanting. You’ll build levels, gold, and items for enchantment in this manner.

Never get rid of or destroy unneeded reagents. You can sell your services or items to lover level players and make a small profit. Never forget the other people out there who you can offer your skills to. Never bargain over the prices though. Know what you want and request that right away. It will keep you in the black and more successful if you know what you want and demand it from fellow players. It will also bring back repeat customers if they know what your price will be.

Always check right away that the player you sell your services to has the necessary reagent as well, or you’ll need to include it in the total price. Be reasonable with your prices as well. No one wants ridiculously overpriced offerings.

If you’re an enchanter, set up shop in a capital and purchase a good deal of storage space to keep your reagents and items stashed away. You’ll need them in the future and it’s best to always be prepared.

Peng Joon is a veteran online gamer and has authored many World of Warcraft
guides. Discover how you can make gold easily and legally by claiming your []free World of Warcraft guide at []

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