Monday, December 17, 2007

PvP Rankings In World of Warcraft

Upon defeating another player in world of warcraft of the opposite faction in player versus player (PvP) combat the victor earns "Honor Points" which may be spent as currency to purchase various rewards like armor, weapons and mounts. Some rewards require marks of honor from various Battlegrounds as well (a loss in a battleground awards the losing team 1 mark, while a victory awards the winning team 3).

A recently added PvP activity in wow, "Arenas" offer gladiator-like combat in a World of Warcraft setting. The Arenas have a separate system from the Battlegrounds. Instead of honor, the Arenas give "Arena Points" which can be spent to purchase items just like Honor Points. Only level 70 players can participate in rated arena matches. Lower level players in WoW can always participate in arenas but no arena points are awarded.

There are also "Arena seasons" where, at the end of each season, the best Arena teams in each category (2v2, 3v3 and 5v5) are rewarded with titles - from highest to lowest these ranks are Gladiator, Duelist, Rival and Challenger.

With the release of version 2.0, a change was made to the honor system making it easier to obtain certain powerful items in world of warcraft. This change was met with mixed reactions. Some criticized the change, claiming that the huge dedication in time and effort that players put forth under the old system had now been cheapened. Others, however, welcomed the change, since they felt the massive amount of time required under the old system was excessive and unhealthy, and was unreasonable for most people with jobs and other responsibilities.

As of March 2007, Blizzard added "The Armory" to their web site. The Armory allows everyone to view any WoW character's statistics, reputation, skills, talents, arena teams and guild information. Only characters of level 10 or greater are displayed in the Armory on world of warcraft. It also allows the ability to look up even more detailed information about any guild from any server in addition to any item in the game.

Tomorrow we discuss Reputation in world of warcraft.

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